Aspir8: Aspire to Deployments Help

Secrets Contents

An example of the contents of secrets within the state file are shown below:

{ "salt": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1", "hash": "4nLU37zidTC1TF6EM8h6\u002BIz79wIu03nYAIiMhuIKcwU=", "secrets": { "catalogservice": { "ConnectionStrings__catalogdb": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1YKAxbgV8Jkg33lnuKqrPD5/kCk\u002BJZRhJz33KFWZnLIEL2P2Z52M3Nf3K55RUctdzR4rVtovBFtFJLqO4cCDXc2\u002BEleXzyn48vdEOJ37tmU1V0VLGPzFYsGjHV3DQ" }, "basketservice": { "ConnectionStrings__basketcache": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1sXfcPV\u002BSi4P4rio4OETGIoXuHVLH", "ConnectionStrings__messaging": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1wMfN/sAof7ZZJpQIPWvilJbmCEuOOlhdzn/LBC8tKoEK2tSI4zoxPf3G9NhUcphmT53R4NGQRYE=" }, "orderprocessor": { "ConnectionStrings__messaging": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1wMfN/sAof7ZZJpQIPWvilJbmCEuOOlhdzn/LBC8tKoEK2tSI4zoxPf3G9NhUcphmT53R4NGQRYE=" }, "catalogdbapp": { "ConnectionStrings__catalogdb": "2hO/L8lfSH6BG5J1YKAxbgV8Jkg33lnuKqrPD5/kCk\u002BJZRhJz33KFWZnLIEL2P2Z52M3Nf3K55RUctdzR4rVtovBFtFJLqO4cCDXc2\u002BEleXzyn48vdEOJ37tmU1V0VLGPzFYsGjHV3DQ" } } }

The salt and hash properties are used to encrypt the secrets in the secrets property.

Each individual secret is encrypted using the AesGcm algorithm, using the salt and hash properties as the key.

The secrets property contains a dictionary of secrets, where the key is the name of the service, and the value is a dictionary of secrets for that service.

The key of each secret is the name of the secret, and the value is the encrypted secret.

The ConnectionStrings__catalogdb secret is an example of a secret that is used by multiple services. When a manifest is generated for kubernetes, this will be converted to a secret that is used by multiple deployments.

Last modified: 18 May 2024